Take command of your cash flow. QuickBooks says sixty-one percent of small business owners regularly struggle with cash flow. Cash flow problems may seem particularly overwhelming, but managing cash can be challenging even when things are great. Here are six things you can change to improve your cash flow management. Stop Working for Free Have you READ MORE
Category: Bookkeeping
4 Reasons to Lose Your DIY Mentality on Bookkeeping
Do you have a DIY mentality when it comes to bookkeeping? Have you ever Googled “DIY Mentality?” Unless you’re an entrepreneur, you might be surprised by the number of business-related search results. As entrepreneurs, we take pride in doing things ourselves. We’re resilient and resourceful, running lean to minimize costs and maximize profit. We take READ MORE
5 Reasons to Move Your Bookkeeping to the Cloud
Are you managing your business on a desktop computer? Or, on a laptop that needs to be behind your company’s firewall to be effective? Here’s a better question: Do you have to cut your vacation short to run payroll? What if you learned there is another way? What if moving your bookkeeping to the cloud READ MORE
Bookkeeper As Advisors, And Why You Should Care
Bookkeepers As Advisors If you’re like most small business owners, you are looking for ways to drive strategic business growth and maximize efficiency. You want a unique, scalable combination of financial services and tech resources that make your lives easier. You want help – sort of like a business partner in your back pocket to READ MORE
AI-assisted Data Analysis is Awesome, but You Still Need Humans
AI-assisted Data Analysis Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources and AI-assisted Data Analysis tools have become indispensable to today’s businesses. This Gartner Survey shares that 61% of organizations are evolving their D&A operating model because of AI technologies. What is artificial intelligence? So, for starters, the terms are widely used, but what is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence READ MORE
Bookkeeper or CPA: Which One Do I Need and Why?
Do I need a bookkeeper or a CPA?The time to get the system and process set up correctly with someone who can help it grow with you is now. Your bookkeeper will meet you where you’re at and get you set up for success.