
4 Reasons to Lose Your DIY Mentality on Bookkeeping

Do you have a DIY mentality when it comes to bookkeeping? Have you ever Googled “DIY Mentality?” Unless you’re an entrepreneur, you might be surprised by the number of business-related search results. As entrepreneurs, we take pride in doing things ourselves. We’re resilient and resourceful, running lean to minimize costs and maximize profit. We take READ MORE

5 Reasons to Move Your Bookkeeping to the Cloud

Are you managing your business on a desktop computer? Or, on a laptop that needs to be behind your company’s firewall to be effective? Here’s a better question: Do you have to cut your vacation short to run payroll? What if you learned there is another way? What if moving your bookkeeping to the cloud READ MORE

Bookkeeper As Advisors, And Why You Should Care

Bookkeepers As Advisors If you’re like most small business owners, you are looking for ways to drive strategic business growth and maximize efficiency. You want a unique, scalable combination of financial services and tech resources that make your lives easier. You want help – sort of like a business partner in your back pocket to READ MORE

Cybersecurity: Where Your Business Is Vulnerable and What You Can Do About It

Cyber attacks are a growing threat for small businesses, and so by definition, the U.S. economy. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Report, the cost of cyber attacks reached $2.7 billion in 2018 alone. And Small Business Trends reported that 43% of cyber-attacks targeted small businesses in 2019. From phishing scams to data breaches, the READ MORE