Pre-Fourth Quarter Checklist for Business Owners

It’s mid-September and most of us are finally back in full swing after a summer full of, well… summer. We’re looking forward to the autumn leaves, cooler temperatures, and Thanksgiving. Most of us aren’t thinking about Q4, year-end close, and tax season. Thinking that it’s too soon? Here’s a quick list of things you can READ MORE

Entrepreneurs Speak Out | How To Manage Stress

Stress Awareness Month has been held every April, since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern negative stress epidemic. The Stress Management Society says that “millions of us… are experiencing high levels of stress” and that “Stress is one of the great public health challenges of our time.” According to The READ MORE

The Importance of Wellness at Work

Join us for this insightful interview by Mathew Heggem with Alison Waldman, Registered Yoga Teacher and Wellness Entrepreneur. In this interview, Alison takes us on the journey of the body in motion, and helps us understand the importance of self care in entrepreneurship. It seems that sustainability is the key to Failing Better. In case READ MORE

HireEffect: Supporting the Self-Employed

An interview with Cynthia Greenawalt on networking, “making deposits”, and tools you can use to survive in business and reach your breakthrough moment. Cynthia Greenawalt is the Founder of Sea Change Networking, providing coaching and empowering people to access breakthrough results through the development of their social capital. And, is the owner of VisionSource Consulting,a firm READ MORE