And what does Conscious Capitalism have to do with HireEffect? Right at the top of the Conscious Capitalism website, the declaration is loud and clear. “We believe business is good because it creates value, it is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange, it is noble because it can elevate our existence, and it READ MORE
Author: Jennifer Scott
National Entrepreneur Day | Celebrate This Emotional Roller Coaster Now
Guess what day it is? Nope, sorry. No camels. Today is National Entrepreneur Day! A day dedicated to celebrating those who take the leap to start their own business or franchise. National Entrepreneur Day! The day celebrating people who saw a need in the world – and decided to do something about it. Today we READ MORE
How to Find The Right Bookkeeping Service Provider
Our last few posts have provided a lot of information to prepare you – well, really, your books – for a clean, fresh start come January. And while November just started, in a blink of an eye, it will be Thanksgiving. Then, in two blinks, we will be halfway through December. And New Year’s Eve READ MORE
New Year – Fresh Start: Everything You Need To Know To Prep for Year-End
New year – fresh start. Cliché? Yes. Possible? Also, yes. Especially when it comes to your accounting and bookkeeping processes. In preparation for Q1 planning, you want accurate insights into your profitability, a strong cash position, and the confidence that you can fund your future business growth plans. (Review cleaning up your books.) Last week READ MORE
Starting Strong: Productivity, Process, and People
Starting Strong: Part Two In our last post, we advised starting the new year off strong with clean books, which helps you control your financials and make better business decisions. Our advice to start by analyzing your Chart of Accounts applies to every industry. But different industries have different key performance indicators (KPIs) and various READ MORE
Hiring For Cultural Fit: The Right Questions To Ask
Business owners often ask about how to determine cultural fit during an interview. The real question here is, how do you define culture? Are you looking to see if they will be successful in your physical work environment? You can ask them to describe what work environment or culture they believe they will be productive READ MORE