Enter the Age of Bookkeeping Automation

Remember The Jetsons? George Jetson’s job consisted of sitting behind a desk and pushing a single button while his computer handled the rest. Automation – It seemed so out there at the time. Welcome to the future, where you can automate a lot of administrative small business tasks that weren’t possible even ten years ago. The less manual administration READ MORE

3 Critical Signs You Need A New Bookkeeping Service

Signs you need a bookkeeping service in the first place: A good bookkeeper does a lot more than just record numbers into a spreadsheet or bookkeeping software, like QuickBooks or Xero. In addition to recording daily transactions in your general ledger and providing your monthly financial reports, a good bookkeeper, whether on staff or outsourced, READ MORE

AI-assisted Data Analysis is Awesome, but You Still Need Humans

AI-assisted Data Analysis Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources and AI-assisted Data Analysis tools have become indispensable to today’s businesses. This Gartner Survey shares that 61% of organizations are evolving their D&A operating model because of AI technologies. What is artificial intelligence? So, for starters, the terms are widely used, but what is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence READ MORE