Enter the Age of Bookkeeping Automation

Remember The Jetsons? George Jetson’s job consisted of sitting behind a desk and pushing a single button while his computer handled the rest. Automation – It seemed so out there at the time. Welcome to the future, where you can automate a lot of administrative small business tasks that weren’t possible even ten years ago. The less manual administration READ MORE

Time To Hire: Employee Or Contractor – Which Do You Need?

When it is time to hire people for your business, you need to ask some important questions. It is the right time to hire? Can I afford to hire someone now? Do I need someone full-time or will part-time be sufficient? These are all good questions. And, here is one key question we get asked READ MORE

Bookkeeper As Advisors, And Why You Should Care

Bookkeepers As Advisors If you’re like most small business owners, you are looking for ways to drive strategic business growth and maximize efficiency. You want a unique, scalable combination of financial services and tech resources that make your lives easier. You want help – sort of like a business partner in your back pocket to READ MORE

6 Tips to Get Your Time Back

If you’re a small business owner, and you don’t own an accounting, technology, or HR firm, it’s highly likely that you did not start your business so that you could do bookkeeping, accounting, taxes, IT, human resources, or recruiting. Yet many small business owners feel an obligation to “do it all,” whether to save money READ MORE