Enter the Age of Bookkeeping Automation

Remember The Jetsons? George Jetson’s job consisted of sitting behind a desk and pushing a single button while his computer handled the rest. Automation – It seemed so out there at the time. Welcome to the future, where you can automate a lot of administrative small business tasks that weren’t possible even ten years ago. The less manual administration READ MORE

Cybersecurity: Where Your Business Is Vulnerable and What You Can Do About It

Cyber attacks are a growing threat for small businesses, and so by definition, the U.S. economy. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Report, the cost of cyber attacks reached $2.7 billion in 2018 alone. And Small Business Trends reported that 43% of cyber-attacks targeted small businesses in 2019. From phishing scams to data breaches, the READ MORE

6 Tips to Get Your Time Back

If you’re a small business owner, and you don’t own an accounting, technology, or HR firm, it’s highly likely that you did not start your business so that you could do bookkeeping, accounting, taxes, IT, human resources, or recruiting. Yet many small business owners feel an obligation to “do it all,” whether to save money READ MORE